Diwali lights adorn the skies, the balconies, people's homes and mostly their lives. As I take a stroll down the road, I can see people chatting, laughing and having a "quality" time with each other. Not that it's rare to see such sights from where I am seated everyday but festivals tend to do this to you. Moreover when you are out their alone, sick, forlorn and feel absolutely dejected.
This year a sudden realisation hit me. I looked at the WhatsApp updates, Instagram pics, family groups and then went down slowly back in time. Happy pics of people that are completely attuned to each other. My best friends posing with others. People looking blissful. I was in "none" of them. As if I have been permanently "hoodwinked" by God. That I stopped existing long ago for people, in festival pics, in marriage pics, in togetherness.
Randomly, on another completely different thought process, it's children's day tomorrow. People must stop having "unwanted" children, children born out of wedlock, accidentally conceived or the ones that either of the parent does not want. They should not suffer the fate of being "hoodwinked" throughout their life. Nevertheless, it's not their problem that the conceiver was not responsible enough to accept them.
A discussion with a friend also reminded me of "rainbow children". Mine is one of them. And it was just us on this Diwali, mother & son, bringing light in each other's lives.